Making change

As the peak body for Carers in the ACT, we exist to raise the voices of carers to instigate change.

We work to create a community that values and respects the caring role. We carry the voices of carers across the spaces they feel unheard.

We co-design carers policy and initiatives for the ACT, working alongside Government and key stakeholders, including carers.

In our role as an advocate, we continue to work for improved support for carers in our community.

Read about how we work with carers to make community wide change.

Systemic advocacy aims to make positive, long-lasting change for a whole group of people or a community.

Carers ACT undertakes systemic advocacy in all areas that impact a carers life. We work with government, committees, industry groups to make changes across a whole system.

Some examples of our recent advocacy work include;

  • Successfully lobbied for and receiving funding for the ACT Carers Strategy
  • Working with Access Canberra to make services more accessible to carers and the people they care for
  • Worked actively with government and working groups to ensure carers were considered during the Covid-19 response and recovery effort, and advocate for clear advice, support and vaccines for carers
  • Developed a mental health respite policy using carer feedback which is now being used to scope a pilot respite service
  • Conducted a workshop highlighting the impact of caring and the needs of carers with the policy officers in Health and Community Services Directorates who are involved in commissioning processes. In this way we have been able to have input into the 16 sub-sectors being commissioned to ensure that carers needs are considered in all.
  • Actively supporting the participation of carers in the formation of the ACT Disability Strategy.

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Caring for a person living with a mental health condition can vary from day to day and from person to person. People living with mental ill health can experience unpredictable periods of wellness and periods of illness, so the caring role can vary greatly.


This can make caring for someone with a mental health condition complex because of the challenges in prediction and planning.

As the peak body for mental health carers in the ACT, Mental Health Carers Voice (MHCV) work closely with carers to help make positive changes to the mental health service system. MHCV ensure that the perspectives, concerns, and ideas voiced by mental health carers are heard by decision-makers.

We support mental health carers to participate in creating positive change in mental health and facilitate their involvement in consultations, media engagement, and other advocacy efforts.

Visit MHCV


Caring for someone with a disability is a unique challenge. Carers ACT works with you to make this challenge easier through systemic and individual advocacy, service and supports for you as a carer, and services for the person you care for.

Representing Your Voice – Individual Advocacy

Through our Carers Advocacy program, we can help you negotiate complex bureaucracy, provide links into financial or legal service supports and access services such as the Human Rights Commission and Ombudsman.

Even if you are unsure whether you need advocacy support or if you would just like some advice to tackle a situation for yourself please feel free to contact the service on (02) 6296 9900.

Changing disability systems for the better – Systemic Advocacy

We work with government, the community and health sectors and induvial to make sure your voice as a disability carer is heard and contributes to change.

To get involved in systemic advocacy and have your say, see our open opportunities or contact us below.

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Our Foster and Kinship Carer advocacy team provide free and independent advocacy support to foster and kinship carers experiencing difficulty, and empower carers to navigate systems and resolve issues related to their caring role.

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