Do you care for someone with mental ill health? Down time and support is available

  • Do you care for someone with mental ill health? Down time and support is available image


Your Space – A Pilot Service for Carers

  • Are you looking for a short break from your caring responsibilities?
  • Need a safe, caring and engaging space for the person with mental ill health you care for?

 Your Space is a pilot service for a person experiencing mental ill-health 16 years and over.

Carers ACT and Woden Community Service (WCS) have brought together their expertise to design Your Space – a safe engaging space for people 16 years and over experiencing mental ill-health to connect with their peers in a social setting (preferably without their carer). Carers are welcome however ideally, we want to create an opportunity for you to have a break/take some respite.

Based in Woden, Your Space offers a safe and supervised space for a variety of free structured and unstructured activities weekly. Activities are overseen by friendly and trained support workers, with the number of attendees capped to provide quality one-on-one time. Activities offered are focused on building social and daily skills, developing friendships, and making connections. Some upcoming activities for April include trips to the National Art and Portrait galleries, ten pin bowling, painting and café outing, BBQ, dinner nights cooking flavours from around the world.

When: Thursdays, 5.30pm to 8.30pm and Sundays, 11.30am to 2.30pm

Cost: free however there might be a contribution for any outings or transport to and from Your Space, if requested.

Bookings are essential. Carers are also invited to pop in and have a look around to check out Your Space.

For more information on how to register for Your Space, please click here.

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