Have Your Say
Mental Health Triage Scales Procedure
The Canberra Health Services (CHS) Division of Mental Health, Justice Health, and Alcohol & Drug…
2024 National Carer Survey now open!
Every two years, Carers NSW and the State and Territory Carer Organisations conduct the National…
Webinar – Unpacking the exposure draft of the new Aged Care Act
Australia’s new rights-based Aged Care Act will be the cornerstone of quality aged care. The exposure…
The Disability Employment Centre of Excellence – Options Paper
The Federal Department of Social Services is seeking feedback on the new Disability Employment Centre…
Feedback – village style dementia care facility – Curtin
The ACT Government has identified a large block of land in Curtin suitable to build…
Changing the Children and Young People Act 2008 – Stage 2
The ACT Government is reforming child, youth and family services to ensure they strengthen families…
South Tuggeranong Health Centre
The ACT Government is seeking input into the types of services that should be included…
Shaping the National Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Bodies
The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI) has been commissioned to support the shaping of…
Consultation opportunity – ACT Social Recovery Framework
The ACT, like the rest of Australia, is experiencing more frequent and larger disasters, increasingly…
Do you want to help with developing the National Autism Strategy?
The Department of Social Services is inviting people with autism, and their carers, to help…
Calling carers – be part of the ACT Health Infrastructure Consumer Reference Group
Carers ACT is calling on local carers, or those they care for, to consider applying…
Your voice matters! September Carers Collective
Get ready to have your voice heard and be a part of something exciting. Join…